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Greece In The World Dionysopoulos G., Houmba K.
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Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 30 July 2024

This episode’s guests:

10:20 Marianna Pyrgioti, Political Analyst

10:40 Kostas Karagounis, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, provides insights on current political affairs.

11:10 Evangelos Venetis, an expert in international relations focusing on Islam and the Middle East, discusses the latest developments in the region.

11:20 Panagiotis Sampatakakis, a Hydrogeologist with a Ph.D. and a member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, sheds light on the issue of water scarcity.

11:30 Thomais Papaioannou, ERT correspondent in Paris, covers the latest updates on the Olympic Games.

11:40 Ivana Djordjevic brings us news on international and Balkan affairs.

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