Orestes, the son of Agamemnon, the general-in-chief of the Greeks in the Trojan war, avenges his father’s murder by his mother, Clytemnestra, and Aegisthus. This was his duty as expressed by his sister Electra and the oracle of Delphi. So, he returns to Mycenae from his hideaway and slays both of them. This revolting act, the slaughter of a mother by her son, though alleviated by the guilt of the victim and the express command of the gods, did not fail to awaken in the breasts of the ancients the same abhorrence that it does in ours. The Eumenides, avenging deities, seized upon Orestes and drove him frantic from land to land. Welcome to Giorgos Kazantzis’ musical universe encountering the dramatic universe of Euripides! And …happy birthday Mr. Kazantzis!
Produced and presented by Hercules Economou