Historical Walks
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Historical Walks: The history of the Greek Roma Communities | 06 Apr. 2024

The dominant perception sees Roma as a single group having “its own” qualities. But the picture that reality unfolds is completely different.
On Saturday, April 6th, 2024, “Historical Walks” with Marilena Katsimi focus on the history of Greek Gypsies, on the occasion of International Roma Day (April 8th).

The episode of the series deals with a story full of stereotypes. A story of myths, prejudices and discrimination. Guest on the show is Lambros Baltsiotis, Assistant Professor of History at the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University, whose monograph on the history of Greek Roma is about to be published.

Historical Walks”, ERT’s award-winning show, returns to the radio of Voice of Greece. Marilena Katsimi and her guests take you on a tour of Greece and the world, presenting topics from both contemporary history and the historicity of current issues. The show, with speakers who are recognized scientists, attempts to contribute to the promotion and demystification of difficult and often deliberately forgotten historical topics and to promote public debate.