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Infinitely Curious: Tyto alba – the barn owl | 02 Feb. 2025
Infinitely Curious Katerina Batzaki
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Infinitely Curious: Tyto alba – the barn owl | 02 Feb. 2025

Tyto alba, “the barn owl”, soar silently through the night, their ghostly white feathers glowing in the moonlight. Majestic nocturnal hunters or ghostly omens of doom? The barn owl is one of nature’s most efficient pest controllers-is not just saving crops but also bridging political divides. What started as a small conservation project in an Israeli kibbutz has grown into an international effort, bringing together scientists from Israel, Jordan, Palestine, and beyond.

On this episode of “Infinitely Curious”, the English-language program of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki, learn from Dr. Vasilis Bontzorlos, a researcher with a PhD in Ecology and Wildlife, and the President of the NGO at TYTO how barn owls could help solve a major problem for farmers, protect the environment, and even save money.

Learn from Professor Yossi Leshem, a pioneer in barn owl conservation, how barn owls are not only saving crops but also bridging political divides.

Hear Professor Alexandre Roulin, one of the world’s leading authorities on Barn owls, discussing not just the science behind these birds but also their symbolic power and the future of the Barn Owl Project across multiple countries.

And find out from Professor Christine Mohr, a top cognitive psychologist from the University of of Lausanne how people across the globe see Barn owls, why so many cultures associate them with the supernatural, and whether science can help rewrite their reputation.

Produced and presented by Katerina Batzaki

Επιμέλεια-παρουσίαση: Κατερίνα Μπατζάκη

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