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Infinitely Curious Katerina Batzaki
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Infinitely Curious: Τhe Law of Attraction | 18.06.2023

Psychologists and scholars say the Law of Attraction and positive manifestation defines your ability to attract, into your life, what you focus on. Whatever you can imagine is achievable, if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be. The true definition of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like. Whatever you give your emotional energy and attention to, is what will come back to you. The Law of Attraction they say is like gravity. You see it every minute of every day. It is always influencing and impacting you and your life. Listen to Dr. Ivan Young describing how emotional intelligence uses the laws of attraction, how Professor Bob Proctor explains the law of attraction in relation to the subconscious and what tips Laws of Attraction expert Katherine Hurst suggests for everyday manifesting.

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