Journeys Basking In Greek Light Giannis Papoutsakis
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Journeys Basking in Greek Light: An episode about April | 07 Apr. 2024

The episode of April 7th is dedicated to the events and figures that marked April. The voice of Kostas Stavropoulos was heard announcing the German invasion of Athens on April 27th, 1941, excerpts from “Katachnia” and “Free Besieged” with the voices of Kazantzidis, Xylouris and Irene Papas, the voice of Elli Lampeti in Cavafy’s “Ithaca” and songs by Bithikotsis, Mitropanos, Marinella, Moscholiou, Farantouri, Kalogiannis, Mitsias, Angelopoulos, Asteriadis, Papazoglou, Giota Lydia, Kotsiras etc.

The show ”Journeys Basking in Greek Light” with Giannis Papoutsakis pays tribute to influential personalities from the fields of music, film, history, and culture in Greece, while also introducing new artists and their projects.

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