Time In Greece Nikolas Angelidis
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“Time in Greece” Tuesday special | 18 June 2024

The subversive Tuesday show with Nikos Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis. A magical world, unknown, unfolds through the tangle of themes that is not the usual…Nikolas Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis update us about the news today…

  • About a guy who’s life became a movie because he was given 100 times more money than he had asked for a loan from a bank…
  • About the 104-year-old lady who jumped into the void making a new world record!
  • About Michael Jordan’s new feat, which the show named Michalis Iordanidis…
  • About Lionel Messi’s fetish with watches.
  • About the demand of some… to remove the bells from the necks of cows.
  • About the eleven dogs that made their appearance in the stadiums of Spain.
  • About the dressmaker who was trying hard to convince his big star of football to become his model
  • About a football jersey that was auctioned at 380,000 euros
  • Finally… we learn the history and listen to the anthem of Niki Sitias

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