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With the Eyes of the Soul and Hearing… | 25 Sept. 2024
Time In Greece Nikolas Angelidis
0:00 LIVE

With the Eyes of the Soul and Hearing… | 25 Sept. 2024

We present an innovative service for people with vision impairments, allowing them to attend live sports events and enjoy an equal auditory description of the game.

Mechanical Engineer Michalis Lolidis is the guest on the show “Time in Greece” with Nikolas Angelidis. He walks us through how things are changing in Greece with efforts to eliminate all barriers. Where the program is being implemented, which teams are participating, and how it works are all discussed in detail.

We also open the conversation on another significant issue: color blindness or color vision deficiency. A new application is revolutionizing the way things work and is considered one of the greatest global discoveries. How it operates and how it is being introduced in Greece is also explained.