The actress Anna Garafli became aware of her sexual orientation already in high school. She learned from a young age not to react to taunts, dirty looks, abusive attitudes. Until she was confronted with homophobic violence. Over and over again. Then she decided that from now on, she would not bow her head. And she wouldn’t blame hersef ever again… Narrator: Anna Garafli Researcher: Vasilis Syrros Podcast Creation: Andreas Pappas Sound Design: Giorgos Ramantanis Sound Editing: Dimitris Papadakis
Αφηγήτρια: Άννα Γκαραφλή Ερευνητής: Βασίλης Σύρρος Δημιουργία Podcast: Ανδρέας Παππάς Σχεδιασμός Ήχου: Γιώργος Ραμαντάνης Επεξεργασία Ήχου: Δημήτρης Παπαδάκης