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NEXT 07:00 - 07:05
Poet Of The Week


Garyfallia is the Voice of the Murdered Women (Greek Audio)
On July 16, 2021, Alexandra Makou receives a phone call from the harbormaster of Folegandros Island, where her daughter had arrived for holidays on the previous day. What she hears on the phone rips her apart; at the same time, it makes her swear to do whatever it takes to shed light on the incident...
I’ve Been Looking for Records All My Life
For over forty years, Zacharias Vrelianakis has been travelling all over the world in search of vinyl records. In his record store, in an arcade in Monastiraki, fan collectors, ordinary passers-by, tourists, and young children meet every day, united by their love of music. Narrator: Zacharias...
Christos Teazis on ”Our Global Voice” | 11.05.2023
Christos Teazis, associate professor at Ankara University, on the show Our Global Voice, in the Studio of the Voice of Greece.
Akis the Governor: A Amateur Radio Station Broadcaster Recalls
"This is Xanthi!" The voice of Kyriakos Pantazidis resonated on the "air" via makeshift transmitters used for Medium wave broadcasting. Late at night, so as not to interfere with television sets’ reception signal, and always with the fear of being detected by the police's radio direction-finder. "Akis t...
Greek Hollywood actors of the Silent Era
Ποιος ήταν ο Δημήτρης Μήτσουρας, η Ρίτα Καρίτα, ο Μάικ Τέλεγκαν, ο Θανάσης Λυμπέρης, ο Αλέξανδρος Πανταζής; Πόσα γνωρίζουμε για τους Έλληνες στο Χόλυγουντ που συμμετείχαν στον βωβό κινηματογράφο; Με αφορμή το βιβλίο "Οι Έλληνες στο Χόλυγουντ την εποχή του βωβού κινηματογράφου", στο στούντιο της «Φωνής της Ελλ...
A Soviet Hero’s Daughter
Berlin, the night of April 30, 1945. Amidst ferocious gunfire, two Soviet soldiers scale the roof of the Reichstag and raise the red Victory Banner. The daughter of one, Meliton Kantaria, has been living in Greece since 1997 and tells her family's story. Interviewee:...
Thanos Tzimeros on ”Our Global Voice” | 08.05.2023
Για τα θετικά αλλά και τα αρνητικά της Αργεντινής μίλησε ο Κώστας Παπαδημητρόπουλος, ένας Έλληνας ψηφιακός νομάς που ζει στη χώρα της Λατινικής Αμερικής τον τελευταίο ενάμιση χρόνο, στην εκπομπή “Η Παγκόσμια Φωνή μας” στο ραδιόφωνο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας με τους Πέτρο Δίπλα και Δημήτρη Κοντογιάννη.
The Art and Myth of Maria Callas – Ep.6
Voice of Greece radio presents a major tribute to Maria Callas, on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of her birth (included in UNESCO's list of anniversary celebrations for the year 2023.)It is a collaboration between ERT’s International Program Department, the General Secretariat for Greeks A...
The Paralympic Queen of the Slopes
The paralympic skiing champion Vivi Christodoulopoulou describes her childhood in an institution for disabled children, and how she managed to become an athlete, ultimately competing in the Paralympic Games. Interviewee: Vivi Christodoulopoulou Field Reporter: Marilena...
My Best Friend, the Donkey
How many emotions can blossom in our relationship with animals? Emmanouil Papoutsakis conveys to us the beautiful and true feelings he developed for a rural assistance animal, a truly important part of life in the village at that time. Narrator: Emmanouil Papoutsakis Researcher:...