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Greeks Around The World

Remarkable Personalities

Mina Ralli

Διακεκριμένα πρόσωπα από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό μοιράζονται μαζί μας τις ιστορίες τους και τα μικρά ή μεγάλα πράγματα που τους βοήθησαν στην προσωπική τους διαδρομή.

Remarkable Personalities: Georgia Paraschou | 02.09.2023
Οι δύσκολες στιγμές, που έζησαν τα μέλη μιας από τις μεγαλύτερες εθελοντικές οργανώσεις στη χώρα μας, κατά τη διάρκεια των καταστροφικών πυρκαγιών του φετινού καλοκαιριού, ξετυλίχτηκαν στην εκπομπή της Μίνας Ράλλη «Τα Πρόσωπα της Εβδομάδας», το Σάββατο 2 Σεπτεμβρίου. Καλεσμένη της εκπομπής η Γεωργία Παράσχου, ιδρ...
Remarkable Personalities: Kaiti Alexopoulou | 26.08.2023
Remarkable Greek people - both native and expats - share with us their stories and the experiences they have acquired so far in their careers.
Remarkable Personalities: Efthymia Pavlakis
Remarkable Greek people - both native and expats - share with us their stories and the experiences they have acquired so far in their careers.
Remarkable Personalities: Giannis Papoutsakis | 29.07.23
Remarkable Greek people - both native and expats - share with us their stories and the experiences they have acquired so far in their careers.
Remarkable Personalities: Kostas Krommydas | 22.07.2023
The well-known author and actor Kostas Krommydas is the remarkable personality joining Mina Ralli on “Voice of Greece”. The beloved artist, invited to the show “Remarkable Personalities”, on Saturday, July 22, at 11:00, talks about his new book entitled “And I will love you into my next life...
Remarkable Personalities: Othon Anastassakis | 15.07.2023
This week's Remarkable Personality is Othon Anastasakis, director of the Center for European Studies at St. Anthony's College and the Center for Southeast European Studies at Oxford University (SEESOX). Mr. Anastasakis spoke about the Greek Diaspora Project, which explores the relationship...
Remarkable Personalities: Katerina Tsata | 08.07.2023
The shocking moments experienced by the volunteers of the Hellenic Red Cross at the port of Kalamata, welcoming the rescued migrants from the deadly shipwreck off Pylos in the early hours of June 14, unfold in Mina Ralli's show "Remarkable Personalities". This episode's guest is Katerina Tsata, nurse...
Remarkable Personalities: Paschalis Efthymiou | 01.07.2023
How easy is it for an Italian to learn Greek? What are the differences in teaching the Greek language to students and adults? How do the community of Sapienza University of Rome and the citizens of the Italian capital respond to the Greek language learning programs created by the Myrsini Zorba Modern...
Remarkable Personalities: Alexis Fotos | 17.06.2023
In the years when the Hoxha regime was established in Albania, the reasons that could bring someone before the court were resistance and propaganda against the system. For the Greek minority, however, there was an additional reason: their love of the motherland, of Greece. And those who expressed this...
Remarkable Personalities: Dimitris Tsekouras | 10.06.2023
Dimitris Tsekouras was the face of the week, hosted by Mina Ralli on Saturday, June 10th. The Greek author and linguist is the head of the seminar on Literary Translation for philologists-hellenists from Georgia, held at the Writers House of Georgia from June 6th to June 11th. Dimitris...
Remarkable Personalities | 03.06.2023
Remarkable Greek people - both native and expats - share with us their stories and the experiences they have acquired so far in their careers.
Remarkable Personalities: Theano Vassilikou | 27.05.2023
Remarkable Greek people - both native and expats - share with us their stories and the experiences they have acquired so far in their careers.
Remarkable Personalities | 29.05.2023
H Μίνα Ράλλη φιλοξένησε στη Φωνή της Ελλάδας μια γυναίκα από την Γεωργία, η οποία αν και αρχικά δεν είχε καμία σχέση με την Ελλάδα αγάπησε τη χώρα μας σαν δεύτερη πατρίδα της.Πρόκειται για την Αννίνα Γκογκόχια, που σπούδασε ελληνική φιλολογία και  εργάζεται στην Τιφλίδα ως καθηγήτρια ελληνικών, ενώ έχει με...
Remarkable Personalities | 01.04.2023
Remarkable Greek people - both native and expats - share with us their stories and the experiences they have acquired so far in their careers.