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ON AIR 13:00 - 13:05
NEXT 13:05 - 14:00
Hellenes Everywhere
Athanasios Houpis

Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou

Poet of the Week: Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou | 22 Sept. 2024
A Greek poem each day travels across the frequencies of the Voice of Greece, reaching the far corners of the world wherever Greek voices can be heard.The week from September 16- September 22, 2024, is dedicated to the poet Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou (Magklini) is a graduate...
Poet of the Week: Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou | 21 Sept. 2024
A Greek poem each day travels across the frequencies of the Voice of Greece, reaching the far corners of the world wherever Greek voices can be heard.The week from September 16- September 22, 2024, is dedicated to the poet Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou (Magklini) is a graduate...
Poet of the Week: Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou | 20 Sept. 2024
A Greek poem each day travels across the frequencies of the Voice of Greece, reaching the far corners of the world wherever Greek voices can be heard.The week from September 16- September 22, 2024, is dedicated to the poet Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou (Magklini) is a graduate...
Poet of the Week: Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou | 18 Sept. 2024
A Greek poem each day travels across the frequencies of the Voice of Greece, reaching the far corners of the world wherever Greek voices can be heard.The week from September 16- September 22, 2024, is dedicated to the poet Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou. Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou (Magklini) is a graduate...
Poet of the Week: Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou | 17 Sept. 2024
A Greek poem each day travels across the frequencies of the Voice of Greece, reaching the far corners of the world wherever Greek voices can be heard.The week from SSeptember 16- September 22, 2024, is dedicated to the poet Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou. Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou (Magklini) is a graduate...
Poet of the Week: Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou | 16 Sept. 2024
A Greek poem each day travels across the frequencies of the Voice of Greece, reaching the far corners of the world wherever Greek voices can be heard.The week from September 16- September 22, 2024, is dedicated to the poet Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou. Chryssa Kontogeorgopoulou (Magklini) is a graduate...