The show "Journeys Basking in Greek Light" with Giannis Papoutsakis on October 20 was dedicated to Manos Hadjidakis, marking 99 years since his birth on October 23. The guest was author Kostas Papaspilios, who discussed his book about the "Great Romantic" of Greek music, titled "I Will Tell You About...
The story of the tango legend, Carlos Gardel, and how he influenced Manos Hadjidakis. A mythical figure whose voice and stage presence impacted Latin America and beyond... How he died and the theories that spoke of murder. How he is "connected" to the death of Manos Hadjidakis' father. How Che Guevara...
The week that starts today here at GME has a more classical scent, as it explores piano versions of Greek songs or works written especially for this instrument. Today, we will be celebrating the encounter of Manos Hadjidakis with traditional and rebetiko rhythms and melodies, as it has been reflected...