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ON AIR 08:05 - 10:00
Divine Liturgy
NEXT 10:00 - 11:00
Greeks Around The World

Yiannis Kiourtsakis

Yiannis Kiourtsakis on “Our Town” | 23 Nov. 2024
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, the show Our Town will hosted Yiannis Kiourtsakis.The award-winning author discussed his significant body of work, focusing on his books Like a Novel, The Quest for Humanity, and Seferis and Camus, from which he also read selected excerpts. Kiourtsakis highlighted the ...
Yiannis Kiourtsakis visits “Our Town” | 23 Nov. 2024, 12:00
On Saturday, November 23, from 12:00 to 13:00 (Athens time), the show Our Town will host Yiannis Kiourtsakis.The award-winning author will discuss his significant body of work, focusing on his books Like a Novel, The Quest for Humanity, and Seferis and Camus, from which he will also read selected excerpts. Kiourtsakis...