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Yiannis Kiourtsakis on “Our Town” | 23 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
0:00 LIVE

Yiannis Kiourtsakis on “Our Town” | 23 Nov. 2024

On Saturday, November 23, 2024, the show Our Town will hosted Yiannis Kiourtsakis.
The award-winning author discussed his significant body of work, focusing on his books Like a NovelThe Quest for Humanity, and Seferis and Camus, from which he also read selected excerpts.

Kiourtsakis highlighted the values of folk culture, shadow theater, and Karagiozis, describing it as a “poor man’s school,” as reflected in his writings. He delved into the importance of language, art as an ongoing dialogue with humanity, the essence of community, the “vanity of human affairs,” and his relationship with cinema.

The author shared memories from his time at ERT, participating in theatrical radio productions, and reflected on the people he encountered there. He also discussed poets Cavafy, Elytis, and Seferis, as well as his friend and collaborator Lakis Papastathis.

Additionally, Kiourtsakis talked about his favorite cities, his life in Paris, and his perspective on the loss of spontaneity and magic in the Greek islands due to overtourism.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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