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Κώστας Σώκος

The Ship’s Log: A nautical poem | 26 Mar. 2024
The veteran captain and poet Kostas Sokos sent us the following poem. We thank him very much. ΣΤΗ ΡΑΔΑ  Ένα καράβι ξεκουράζεται στη ράδα (1) και ανεμίζει στο προβέντζο (2) του καιρού.  Στην άλλη άκρη του πλανήτη, στο Περού, η καραντίνα υψωμένη (3) μια βδομάδα. Σοκολ...
World Poetry Day with 6 sailors/poets on ”Fair Winds and Following Seas” | 21 Mar. 2024
The show “FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS" and VOICE OF GREECE, as well as the shipping world, celebrate World Poetry Day with sailors-poets. With people who wrote in poems their experiences, feelings, thoughts and images they lived in the sea and the ships, which they loved and served for many years. We l...