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Nikolaos Kanellos

Nikolaos Kanellos on ”Hellenes Everywhere” | 25.09.2023
Nikolaos Kanellos, former Ambassador: "We must be in a state of alert until the Greek-Turkish High-Level Cooperation Council meeting on December 7 in Thessaloniki!!... It should be preceded, in Athens and Nicosia, by two meetings of the governments of Greece and Cyprus. Our demands and claims should...
Hellenes Everywhere
Nikolaos Kanellos, former Ambassador: "If our Diplomacy is of a momentary character and not permanent, long-term and stable, we will be led to monuments of abandonment!".
Hellenes Everywhere, with Thanasis Houpis
Νικόλαος Κανέλλος, πρ. Πρέσβης: "Τώρα είναι η μεγάλη ευκαιρία!!... Υπάρχει η ανάγκη διαμόρφωσης του νέου δόγματος, για όλον τον Ελληνισμό!