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Monika Kabasele ”Takes her Time” on Voice of Greece | 01.12.2023, 10.00-12.00

On Friday, December 1st, shortly after 11:00 a.m. Greece local time, joining the show “Take Your Time”, on Voice of Greece, is Greek jazz singer, Monika Kabasele, who has been living in Paris for the past few years.

The young composer, performer, and songwriter was born and raised in Greece. Her mother is Greek and her father is Congolese. She is a graduate of the Department of Greek Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and holds a postgraduate degree on “Jazz Improvisation and New Technologies” from the same university.

She has attended singing seminars with Jay Clayton, Sheila Jordan, Kurt Elling and has collaborated with some of the most important musicians of the Greek jazz scene, such as Pantelis Benetatos, Serafeim Bellos, Dimitris Vasilakis, and Dimitris Kalantzis. She has taken part in projects such as the Sera Bellos Vocal Quartet, Anamateur and Pros presenting Monique, Jazz Democracy, Girl Talk, and has been a founding member of the World Trio, Dearly Beloved Nancy, and Grecofuturisme. She has held several concerts and has appeared in festivals both in Greece and abroad.

In recent years, she has settled in Paris where she studies jazz vocals at the Conservatoire de Paris.

Curated and hosted by: Prokopis Angelopoulos

Produced by Journalist: Lia Tarousi

Broadcast: Friday, December 1st, 2023, 11.00-13.00 Greece local time


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