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Iro Nikopoulou visits “Our Town” | 13 July 2024, 12:00

On Saturday, July 13, at 12:00-13:00 Athens time, Iro Nikopoulou will be hosted by Voice of Greece and the show “Our Town” with Themis Rodamitis.

The poet and visual artist will talk about her remarkable poetic journey, her participation in international poetry festivals and her latest book of poetry titled “A Miracle in Intensive Care“. A special mention will be made of the column she maintains on the digital platform entitled “a window for short stories” and her collaboration with the poet Yiannis Patilis, with whom she has edited anthologies of short stories and co-directs the website “Planodion – Bonzai Stories’.

In a discussion with Themis Rodamitis, special reference will be made to her important visual work, part of which adorns her covers. Iro Nikopoulou will read her poems and excerpts from her short story “Karpos“.
A most current type of poetry, political and comforting at the same time, in an era of collapsing values ​​and uncertainty about the future.

The show will also feature the author Michalis Modinos, who will refer to Nikopoulou’s rich creative activity as well as her political stance, which is expressed through humor.

Broadcast: Saturday, July 13, 2024, at 12:00 Athens time
Repeat: Sunday, July 14, at 04:00 Athens time
Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis


Journey to Mykonos Part II | 08 Sept. 2024, 12:00
The program will highlight significant documents and writings from various prominent figures about the history of this unique island, as well as the current conditions creating uncertainty for its inhabitants. Featuring: Nikos Xydakis, Dimitris Rousounelos, Anna Loizou, Giorgos Poulidis, Kostas Ferris,...
A tribute to the island of Mykonos | 01 Sept. 2024, 12:00
On Sunday, September 1st, 2024, from 12:00 to 14:00 Athens time, the show "Our Town" will present a tribute to the island of Mykonos. The program will showcase important documents and writings from notable figures about the history of this unique island, as well as the current conditions that create...