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“Exploring Faith: Why we believe” | 22 Dec. 2024, 11:00

Tune in this Sunday 22 December at 11:00 am to the Infinitely Curious program of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki and hear renowned neuroscientist Andrew Huberman sharing his thoughts on how science and faith can coexist, reflecting on the awe-inspiring complexity of biology and the human brain.

Listen to anthropologist and author of In Evolution and the Human Way of Being, Agustin Fuentes, taking us on a fascinating journey, on how we turn our beliefs and experiences into ideologies, beliefs, and lifestyles that shape our reality and impact future generations. 

Produced and presented by Katerina Batzaki
Broadcast: Sunday 22 December 2024, 11:00-12:00 Athens time


Heart and Mind: The EQ Connection | 08 Dec. 2024, 11:00
Heart and Mind: The EQ Connection | 08 Dec.2024, 11:00Tune in this Sunday 8 December 2024 @11am to the Infinitely Curious program of ERT and Voice of Greece with Katerina Batzaki and listen to Daniel Goleman emphasizing that enhancing Emotional Intelligence or EQ can make our communities more compassionate, improve how we parent, and help us take better care of the environment. Hear executive leadership coach Kris Girrell explaining how learning to respond to others’ emotional states is the essence of emotional intelligence. And learn from Dr. Alan Watkins, founder of Complete Coherence, how to imagine a world where we ... Read more