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A tribute to Nikos Andriotis | Saturday 30.09.2023, 08.00

On Saturday, September 30, at 08:00 in the morning, Greek time, (with a rerun at 11:00 in the evening) “Fair Winds and Following Seas – Weekend shift” with Antonis Karagiannakis is joined by Thanasis Zisimopoulos, founder and first executive director of the Greek public benefit radio Cosmos FM in New York, Stelios Taketzis, shipbroker – volunteer producer and current chairman of the Board of Directors of Cosmos FM, and ERT journalist Fanis Papathanasiou, who began his long career in New York. Together they set up a tribute broadcasting program to Nikos Andriotis, who recently passed away at the age of 82.

Nikos Andriotis was president and then honorary president of the historical community of Saint Demetrios Cathedral in Astoria, New York, a great benefactor of the Diaspora and especially of his homeland of Nisyros, as well as a key member of the Cosmos FM family. He was also the forerunner and president of the Archdiocesan Hellenic Cultural Center in Astoria.

They talk about his contribution, his course, his character, his passion, his love of Greece and Greek people, his donations, his “rivalries”, his progressive ideas, and, of course, about his beloved Nisyros.

References are also made to the Greek people of New York today, the new generation and of course the contribution, the work, and his career on Cosmos FM, standing all these years by the Greek people of New York.

Curated and presented by Antonis Karagiannakis


Ο Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής της Ένωσης Λιμένων Ελλάδος Βασίλης Μάμαλης στις “Καλές Θάλασες – Βάρδια Σαββάτου” | 06.07.2024, 08:00
To Σάββατο 6 Ιουλίου και ώρα Ελλάδας 08.00-10.00 ο Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής της Ένωσης Λιμένων Ελλάδος και μέλος του ΔΣ του Μουσείου Ναυτικής Παράδοσης κ. Βασίλης Μάμαλης είναι ο καλεσμένος στη ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και την εκπομπή «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ-ΒΑΡΔΙΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟΥ» του Αντώνη Καραγιαν...