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Gianna Triantafylli
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Fair Winds And Following Seas
Antonis Karagiannakis

Actress/playwright Katia Sperelaki visits ”Our Town” | 15 Apr. 2024, 19:00

On Monday, April 15th from 19:00-20:00 the show “Our Town” hosts Katia Sperelaki.

The actress and playwright talks to us about theater, her great love, and the special theatrical play “Nina 2” where she is currently starring. The play Is about women, the dead ends of modern man, and our existence in relation to time.

Katia Sperelaki refers to her most important work in theater, works by well-known Greek writers, and her appearances in cinema and television. She talks about her love for literature and radio, about everyday issues and politics that concern her.

Sperelaki, who remains a special personality in the field of culture, also talks to us about her multicultural neighborhood and the long and special trips she makes with her partner, beloved actor Stelios Mainas, about her desires and plans.

The show ”Our Town” with Themis Rodamitis attempts to establish a distinct ‘radio society’. A town within a town, occupied by intriguing personalities, cultural spaces and organizations, musicians, and theatrical groups who altogether build new social trails through culture, art, music, and poetry. It might initially sound utopic, but at the end of the day, the show simply aims to slightly enrich our lives and our everyday routine by keeping us good company.