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Angeliki Pardalidou on ”The Voice that Unites Us” | Thursday 12.10.2023, 16.00

Tune in to Voice of Greece on Thursday, 12 October at 16.00 (Athens time), to listen to the latest episode of ”The Voice that unites us” with Gianna Triantafylli, who is joined in the studio by Angeliki Pardalidou. The Greek actress and filmmaker, who has received several awards internationally, on both playwriting competitions and international film festivals, is Gianna Triantafylli’s guest on the occasion of her latest feature length film Angel Pardalos and the theatre production ‘We can still make it” (”προλαβαίνουμε;”)- where she is in charge of direction, music supervision, stage design and costume design.

Curated and presented by Gianna Triantafylli