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ON AIR 03:00 - 04:00
Greek Music Express
Hercules Economou
NEXT 04:00 - 05:00
The Voice That Unites Us
Gianna Triantafylli

Don’t miss the 11th episode of the radio-documentary series on the Holocaust by Thomas Sideris | 01.11.2023, 13.00

Tune in to Voice of Greece on Friday 01 December 2023  to listen to the 11th episode of the 14-part radio documentary series ”Silent tracks: The people behind the Holocaust”, based Thomas Sideris’ book by the same title.
[with Greek Audio].


Can there be humanity in the horror of war? Can two people in a context of Nazi madness offer crumbs of love? Can an avowed Nazi, serving Adolf Hitler, offer a fresh apple cake to a Czech-Jewish pianist? Can two children, a Jewish child and a child whose father is a Nazi, coexist and share their joy in play?

The 10th episode of the radio series “Silent Tracks” presents a very moving story featuring great pianist Alice Herz-Sommer and a German officer, Herr Hermann. On the eve of her deportation to Theresienstadt, Alice receives an unexpected visit and an unexpected gift. But the bitter road of separation from the life she once had and what she had known until now was already open before her. Nothing would be the same on the dawn of the next day, that November Friday of 1943.

Research, documentation, presentation: Thomas Sideris – journalist, Ph.D. in Social Geography


Unguarded Passage: “The Pylos shipwreck, one year later” | 14 June 2024, 13:00
Έναν χρόνο μετά τον ναυάγιο της Πύλου, μία από τις χειρότερες προσφυγικές τραγωδίες στη Μεσόγειο, η “Αφύλαχτη Διάβαση” φιλοξενεί στον ραδιοθάλαμο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας τον Λευτέρη Παπαγιαννάκη, διευθυντή του Ελληνικού Συμβουλίου για τους Πρόσφυγες. Η κορύφωση των μεταναστευτικών ροών την προηγούμενη δεκαετία, οι ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές για τη μετανάστευση και την κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση, ειδικά μετά ... Read more