Giannis K. Ioannou meets Gianna Triantafylli on “The Voice that Unites Us” | 26 Apr. 2024, 14:00

On Friday, April 26th, at 14:00 Athens time, Gianna Triantafylli hosts the composer, orchestrator and conductor Giannis K. Ioannou in the studio of “Voice of Greece”. The reason for this radio meeting is his new album “Mikra Erotika”.

The songs on the album have been written by Emilia Pantazi and performed by Katerina Papadimitriou.

The show will air live for the first time a series of exclusive orchestral themes.

What is it that unites all Greeks? Is it music? History? The glimmering blue waters? The answer is simpler than that – it’s their Language.

The Voice that Unites Us” is curated and presented by Gianna Triantafylli