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“Hush! The Wolf is Asleep!” | 15 Mar. 2025, 17:00

“I walk, I walk through the forest when the wolf is not around… Wolf, wolf, are you there?”
This beloved children’s song is one we all sang, played, and ran to as kids. Later, we taught it to our own children. But what happens when the wolf is there? Do you fear it? Pretend not to see it? Let it scare you? Or do you simply lull it to sleep so you can continue your path safely? Will the tiny fairy Sissamina manage to help little Manina in this adventure? The answer lies within the pages of this fairy tale… (From the book’s back cover presentation).

The show “Narratives – Stories and Tales for Young and Old” will bring to life the enchanting story of little Manina on Voice of Greece, airing on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 17:00 to 18:00. The tale comes from Lefki Bogdi‘s book Hush! The Wolf is Asleep! (Ησυχία! Ο λύκος κοιμήθηκε!), illustrated by Vasia Papadopoulou and published by Kefalos Editions.

A true story of courage, strength, and determination for all children who fear the wolf! All they need is to learn how to put it to sleep—using only the power of friendship, solidarity, and understanding!

Produced and presented by Maria Karagiannaki Iona

Tune in to Voice of Greece on Saturday, 15.03.2025, 17:00 – 18:00 Athens time