“Twenty Minutes with Ariadni” – Chocolate: the food of gods and lovers | 18.05.2024, 10:00

The sweet flavor of romance is for some reason inextricably connected to the rich, hearty, delightful taste of chocolate… But how did this simple confectionery become the ultimate symbol of love? Is it because of its aphrodisiac properties or just an excuse for chocolatiers to sell more sweets in the ‘dead season; between Christmas and Easter?

On Saturday, May 13, 2024, at 10:00 Athens time, tune in to “Twenty Minutes with Ariadni” and find out who were the first to eat these delicacies long before chocolate became synonymous with romance and devotion, and why so many choose to declare their love with chocolate…!

Produced and presented by Ariadni-Sofia Kouri
Broadcast date: Saturday 18 May 2024, 10:00 (Athens time)