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NEXT 08:05 - 09:00
Fair Winds And Following Seas
Antonis Karagiannakis

Thomas Sideris

Thomas Sideris is an investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker. He studied Political Sciences and Public Administration at the Law School of the University of Athens and specialized in the mass media. He is a Ph.D. candidate in Human and Social Geography, and a member of the International Press Institute and the Journalists and Writers’ Foundation, based in New York. He has been honored with the Albert Schweitzer International Organization Award (2017), as well as more than 20 awards at film festivals around the world- including the Torch Award for his film Let Me Breathe (2021) and a distinction from the Botsis Journalism Foundation for The Noose (2018). His shows Unguarded Passage, Greek Communities, and Historia Minimas are broadcast on the Voice of Greece and the First Programme.
Unguarded Passage: “Stories of Resistance from the Occupation and Liberation” | 25 Oct. 2024
Throughout October, Unguarded Passage dedicates itself to the years of fascist and Nazi Occupation and the Liberation of Athens with four powerful radio documentaries. Through oral testimonies, texts, and diaries gathered by documentary creator and ERT journalist Thomas Sideris after years of research,...
Unguarded Passage: “Stories of Resistance from the Occupation and Liberation” | 18 Oct. 2024
"Unguarded Passage" dedicates the entire month of October to the years of fascist and Nazi occupation and the liberation of the city of Athens, featuring four powerful radio documentaries that will be broadcast by Voice of Greece on October 4, 11, 18, and 25, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Oral testimonies,...
Unguarded Passage: Stories of Resistance from the Occupation and Liberation | 04 Oct. 2024
“Unguarded Passage” dedicates the entire month of October to the years of fascist and Nazi Occupation and the Liberation of Athens, with four powerful radio documentaries airing on Voice of Greece on October 4, 11, 18, and 25, from 13:00 to 14:00. Through oral testimonies, texts, and dia...
Tribute to the Asia Minor Catastrophe: “Cinnamon from Smyrna” | 27 Sept. 2024
The final part of the 3-part tribute of the show “Unguarded Passage,” researched, written, and presented by ERT journalist Thomas Sideris, broadcast for the first time on Voice of Greece on Friday, September 20, 2024. “Cinnamon from Smyrna”: A radio documentary based on the novel “Cinnamon from Smyrna” b...
Unguarded Passage tribute to the Asia Minor Catastrophe: “My Dearest Brother George” | 20 Sept. 2024
This is the second part of the 3-part tribute of the show “Unguarded Passage,” researched, written, and presented by ERT journalist Thomas Sideris. “My Dearest Brother George” : This radio documentary brings to light unknown written records from the period of 1919-1922, focusing particularly on even...
Unguarded Passage: “The unpublished diary of Evangelos Drakopoulos” | 13 Sept. 2024
“Unguarded Passage” unveils a valuable document, the unpublished diary of Evangelos Drakopoulos. Drakopoulos records the peaceful and quiet life of the residents of Smyrna and its surroundings in his diary during the years leading up to the Asia Minor Catastrophe. These regular entries provide prec...
Historias Minimas: When the Barrier Fell – 85 Years Since the Start of World War II | 06 Sept. 2024, 13:00
On September 1, 1939, Wehrmacht soldiers removed the barrier at the Polish border, a moment captured by the Associated Press. The invasion of Poland by the Wehrmacht on September 1, 1939, marked the beginning of World War II. It was a historic turning point with ramifications...
Forest Fires in Greece and Europe | 30 Aug. 2024
Το 2023 ήταν μια χρονιά που ξεπέρασε κάθε ρεκόρ, καθώς σημειώθηκε μια από τις μεγαλύτερες πυρκαγιές που γνώρισε ποτέ η Ευρώπη, αποτελώντας έτσι μια από τις χειρότερες περιόδους δασικών πυρκαγιών που έχουν καταγραφεί ποτέ στον γεωγραφικό χώρο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η Βόρεια Αμερική επλήγη επίσης σφοδρά από δασικές πυρκαγιές, όπως και πολλές χώρες της Νότιας Αμερικής. Χάθηκαν ζωές, καταστράφηκαν περιουσίες και μέσα βιοπορισμού, και κάηκαν πολλά στρέμματα γης παγκοσμίως. Η εκπομπή “Αφύλαχτη Διάβαση”, στην εκπνοή του καλοκαιριού, ανοίγει τον φάκελο των δασικών πυρκαγιών και προσπαθεί να δώσει απαντήσεις σε μερικά από τα σημαντικότερα ερωτήματα που απασχολούν τους πολίτες. Στον ραδιοθάλαμο της ... Read more
Historias Minimas: The dictatorships of southern Europe – Ep.3: Grandola, Vila Morena | 16 Aug. 2024
50 YEARS SINCE THE RESTORATION OF DEMOCRACY IN GREECE – THE DICTATORSHIPS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE: GREECE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL "Grandola, Vila Morena" On the night of April 24, 1974, military units across Portugal moved swiftly, seizing all critical locations. By dawn, the movement had triumphed c...
Historias Minimas | The Dictatorship in Greece Through the Archives of Deutsche Welle | 09 Sept. 2024
The April coup will put Greece under military rule, causing shock among Greek expatriates in Europe and around the world. The greatest opposition to the Junta is observed in Germany for two main reasons: first, it is home to the largest number of post-war immigrants, and second, German unions are very...
Historias Minimas | The dictatorships of southern Europe – Ep.1: Guernica | 02 Aug. 2024
50 YEARS SINCE THE RESTORATION OF DEMOCRACY IN GREECE – THE DICTATORSHIPS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE: GREECE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL “GUERNICA” Market day in the streets of Guernica was interrupted when the bells of the Santa Maria church sounded the alarm that April 26, 1937 afternoon. People from ...
Historias Minimas: The 1936 anti-Nazi People’s Olympics in Barcelona | 26 July 2024
On the day the 33rd Olympiad kicked off in Paris, the radio documentary series HISTORIAS MINIMAS takes us back to 1936, when efforts were made to host the People’s Olympiad in Barcelona that same summer. The episode, developed in collaboration with Radio Panik of Belgium, aired on Friday, July 26, 2...
Historias Minimas: The Turkish invasion of Cyprus through the eyes of a hero | 19 July 2024
The Voice of Greece show “Historias Minimas” in collaboration with Radio Panik in Belgium presents a shocking radio documentary about the Turkish invasion of Cyprus through the eyes of a hero.In the radio documentary by ERT journalist Thomas Sideris, the main narrator is retired Major General Nikos...
Historias Minimas: The refugees, the traitors and the raid of Kokkinia | 12 July 2024
Kokkinia was a vast refugee and working-class town, filled with numerous shacks and surrounded by factories and artisan textile workshops. The new radio documentary of the HISTORIAS MINIMAS series, in collaboration with RADIO PANIK of Belgium, refers to the refugee settlement in the Kokkinia area...
Historias Minimas: From May ’68 to the rise of the Far Right in France | 05 July 2024
May 1968. Student protests at the universities of Paris and demonstrations throughout France completely shake the political establishment in France at the time. The revolutionary wind of May '68 will motivate and inspire student movements throughout Europe as well as the other side of the Atlantic. Fifty-six...
Unguarded Passage: “The Pylos shipwreck, one year later” | 14 June 2024
One year after the Pylos boat disaster, one of the deadliest migrant shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, “Unguraded Passage” hosts Lefteris Papagiannakis, director of the Hellenic Council for Refugees, in the studio of Voice of Greece. The peak of migration flows in the previous decade, European pol...
Unguarded Passage: “Martyred Distomo” | 07 June 2024
A group of German antifascists, “AK Distomo”, coming to Greece and standing next to the relatives of the victims of Distomo. A lawyer, Miltiadis Sfountouris, son of survivor Eleni Sfountouri, who tries to shed light on hidden and dark aspects of the Nazi crime in Distomo. A survivor, who...
Forgotten Villages – Ep.15: The boy from Rethemnos and the Australian soldier | 31 May 2024
Two brothers from Australia come to Rethymnon, Crete, to pay tribute to their late father, who died as a soldier in the Battle of Crete. A 7.5-year-old boy who watched his mother, his grandmother, his aunt, and two other women being executed. ERT’s crew records unknown stories from the Battle o...