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Unguarded Passage: A linguistic and historical journey through the dialects of Thrace | 07 Feb. 2024
Unguarded Passage Thomas Sideris
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Unguarded Passage: A linguistic and historical journey through the dialects of Thrace | 07 Feb. 2024

On the occasion of World Greek Language Day and the recognition of the fundamental role that the Greek language has played throughout the centuries, the radio series “Unguarded Passage” presents a unique radio documentary on the dialects of Thrace on Voice of GreeceThe documentary explores the historical and social landscape and the human geography of the region through the documentation of local dialects.

The dialects of Thrace constitute a valuable linguistic asset of Greek cultural heritage. The program features Penelope Kampaki-Vougioukli, Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Democritus University of Thrace, who discusses the significance, structure, and distinctive characteristics of the Thracian dialects.

Through a linguistic and historical journey, the radio documentary highlights the richness of Thrace’s local speech, its relationship with other Greek dialects, and the influence of linguistic interactions in the region. Additionally, the discussion addresses the modern use of these linguistic elements and the importance of preserving them for future generations.

Research-Documentation-Presentation: Thomas Sideris