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Hellenes Everywhere
Athanasios Houpis
The Ship’s Log: “Heliotrope” | 16 May 2024
Ο Αντώνης Μουτσόπουλος, ως αρχιτέκτονας- μηχανικός, έχει βρεθεί σε πολλές χώρες και λιμάνια ανά τον κόσμο δουλεύοντας σε επισκευές πλοίων.Τυχαίνει επίσης να γράφει ιστορίες.Η παρακάτω ιστορία, είναι από την εποχή εκείνη που δούλευε στο έργο της συντήρησης ενός βαποριού στο Πέραμα.Τον ευχαριστούμε πο...
“Belem”: the three-masted ‘survivor’ vessel completes its mission of transporting the Olympic Flame to Marseille
A Greek sailing ship that goes by the name “Pytheas” with a Piraeus sailor as the sole crew, Giorgos Kesses, travels to accompany the French sailing ship “Belem” and the Olympic flame upon their entrance to Marseille, the old Greek colony and first French host city of the flame of the Paris Olympic Games. The total time of the trip of Pytheas from Piraeus to Marseille is estimated to be about 20 days, taking into account that the trip will be made mainly using a sailboat, while the total distance from Piraeus to Marseille and return to Piraeus amounts to ... Read more
The Ship’s Log: Pytheas’ Trip | 24 Apr. 2024
A Greek sailing ship that goes by the name "Pytheas" with a Piraeus sailor as the sole crew, Giorgos Kesses, travels to accompany the French sailing ship "Belem" and the Olympic flame upon their entrance to Marseille, the old Greek colony and first French host city of the flame of the Paris Olympic...
The Ship’s Log: Spazzamento | 08 Apr. 2024
''Spazzamento'' - a story and memory from Gabriel Panagiosoulis and his days on board. He is currently living in Bronx, New York, with his family. We thank him very much for sharing. I will wait for you.  The winches of the boat worked with a deafening noise, the steam that escaped...
The Ship’s Log: Reminiscing the days of Liberty ships | 03 Apr. 2024
Our good friend and old-time mariner, Gabriel Panagiosoulis, who is currently based in Bronx, New York, along with his family, sent us one of his memories on board, The story is called ”Spazzamento” . Spazzamento I’ll wait for you. Τα βίντσια του βαποριού δούλευαν με ένα εκκωφαντικό θόρυβο, ο ατμός που ξέφευγε σε κάθε τους κίνηση σφύριζε, ενωμένος με την αφόρητη ζέστη των τροπικών, και η οχλαγωγία των εργατών στο κατάστρωμα έκαναν την σκηνή σα να ήσουν στην κόλαση.  Φόρτωναν καφέ σε τσουβάλια, αυτά με την βυσσινή ρίγα στη μέση. Βιαζόταν να τελειώσει η φόρτωση καθότι είχαν βάλει αναχώρηση τα ... Read more
The Ship’s Log: A nautical poem | 26 Mar. 2024
The veteran captain and poet Kostas Sokos sent us the following poem. We thank him very much. ΣΤΗ ΡΑΔΑ  Ένα καράβι ξεκουράζεται στη ράδα (1) και ανεμίζει στο προβέντζο (2) του καιρού.  Στην άλλη άκρη του πλανήτη, στο Περού, η καραντίνα υψωμένη (3) μια βδομάδα. Σοκολ...
The Ship’s Log | Feb. 27, 2024: The Diving Bell
On January 2024, the ”Deck Diary” is launched on Voice of Greece website.A ‘safe harbor’, were you can find thoughts, poems, dreams, memories, incidents from life on board, or a short video on board. It is inspired by Nikos Kavvadias, and dedicated to all Greek sailors, in collaboration with VoG’s the show ‘”Fair Winds and Following Seas” with Antonis Karagiannakis. We started this column on the website of Voice of Greece and social media, on the day of the birth of poet Nikos Kavvadias.We couldn’t have found a better day. Maybe St. Nicholas Day, but we were now in January ... Read more
The Ship’s Log: A song dedication on EIR’s AM band | Feb. 20, 2024
On January 2024, the ”Deck Diary” is launched on Voice of Greece website.A ‘safe harbor’, were you can find thoughts, poems, dreams, memories, incidents from life on board, or a short video on board. It is inspired by Nikos Kavvadias, and dedicated to all Greek sailors, in collaboration with VoG’s the show ‘”Fair Winds and Following Seas” with Antonis Karagiannakis. We started this column on the website of Voice of Greece and social media, on the day of the birth of poet Nikos Kavvadias.We couldn’t have found a better day. Maybe St. Nicholas Day, but we were now in January ... Read more
The Ship’s Log: An old man’s tale | Feb. 19, 2024
On January 2024, the ”Deck Diary” is launched on Voice of Greece website.A ‘safe harbor’, were you can find thoughts, poems, dreams, memories, incidents from life on board, or a short video on board. It is inspired by Nikos Kavvadias, and dedicated to all Greek sailors, in collaboration with VoG’s the show ‘”Fair Winds and Following Seas” with Antonis Karagiannakis. We started this column on the website of Voice of Greece and social media, on the day of the birth of poet Nikos Kavvadias.We couldn’t have found a better day. Maybe St. Nicholas Day, but we were now in January ... Read more
Logbook | Feb. 12, 2024: The Atlantic in all its beautiful glory
The following video was sent to us by Captain Davli Tuning. He writes to us: ”I am a sailor, Captain in rank, in active duty since 2003. I remember the times when all Greeks we would gather on the bridge to listen to you.” The video was taken on January 23rd, 2024 at 18:00 at sea heading from the Atlantic to the south. Fair Winds and Following Seas, Captain!
Logbook | 27/01/2024 | Expedición Atlantis
The following video was sent to us by Captain Davli Tuning. He writes to us: ”I am a sailor, Captain in rank, in active duty since 2003. I remember the times when all Greeks we would gather on the bridge to listen to you.” The video was taken on January 23rd, 2024 at 18:00 at sea heading from the Atlantic to the south. Fair Winds and Following Seas, Captain!