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Anatoli Margiola on “Our Town” | 02 Nov. 2024
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Anatoli Margiola on “Our Town” | 02 Nov. 2024

On Saturday, November 2, 2024, Our Town welcomed the talented singer Anatoli Margiola.

The gifted singer discussed her hometown, Kavala, the region where she lived and found inspiration, Ioannina, as well as traditional and folk music and its values, and her studies. Margiola talked about her significant collaborations with renowned musicians, including St. Vamvakaris, Manolis Pappos, Nikos Tasopoulos, Dimitris Mystakidis, Giorgos Dalaras, and Dimitris Apostolakis, among others.

She also shared her love and research approach to traditional and rebetiko music, her recording journey, and her participation in the film Ouzeri Tsitsanis, directed by Manousos Manousakis, where she performed renditions of Vassilis Tsitsanis’ songs.

The program featured contributions from Sofia Papazoglou, who expressed her admiration for this unique and talented singer.

Produced and presented by Themis Rodamitis

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