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Greece In The World Dionysopoulos G., Houmba K.
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Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 19 Aug. 2024

Guests on the show for Monday, August 19:

  • Notis Ananiadis, political editor for ERT, commenting on current affairs.
  • Kostas Yfantis, Professor of International Relations at Panteion University, discussing the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine.
  • Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos, Dean of the School of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Environment at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), addressing the situation in the country after the wildfires.
  • Giorgos Christopoulos, tax expert, discussing government compensation for fire victims.
  • Dimitris Paraskevis, Professor of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and member of the Board of EODY, on the MPOX virus.
  • Ivana Djordjevic, ERT journalist covering international and Balkan news.
  • Antigoni Drakatou, sports editor for ERA SPORT, providing sports news.

Produced by Katerina Houba

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