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Infinitely Curious: Music Therapy | 18 Feb. 2024
Infinitely Curious Katerina Batzaki
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Infinitely Curious: Music Therapy | 18 Feb. 2024

Did you know that, for thousands of years, sound has been successfully used by man as a powerful healing mechanism? And it’s still being used today with great success.
Despite our differences, most of us like listening to music in one form or another. But did you know that music helps our wellness?

Music therapy is a real thing, and it can impact not only our mental health but our physical health as well. Music therapy uses music to achieve goals like reducing stress and improving our quality of life. A certified music therapist tailors each session to our needs. It could involve singing, playing instruments, or composing music, with some sessions focusing on discussing the meaning of music.

Tune in on Sunday 18 February 2024 at 11.00 am with Katerina Batzaki to the Infinitely Curious program of ERT and Voice of Greece and learn how the camera of Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett and his film Alive Inside reveals the uniquely human connection we find in music and how its healing power in cases like dementia can triumph where prescription medication falls short.

Listen to certified music therapist and licensed speech language pathologist Kathleen M. Howland explain how music really does have the power to heal our brain and heart.

Join neuroscientist and musician Alan Harvey on an interactive journey of what music does to our brain waves, and how music is more than just an entertainment but helps treat trauma and repair the circuits in the visual system and spinal cord after injury.

Curated and presented by Katerina Batzaki

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