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My Wandering Heart: Marianne Faithfull forever | 08 Feb. 2025
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My Wandering Heart: Marianne Faithfull forever | 08 Feb. 2025

“Before I die I’m going to show you bastards who I am…”

Her fans love her deeply. The younger generations certainly have something to learn from her.
“Marianne Faithfull’s death is loss of the knowledge of a generation,” as her close friend Nick Cave aptly stated.

From being an icon of the Swinging Sixties and “Mick Jagger’s muse”—a label she spent decades trying to shake off—to a lifelong charismatic and provocative artist, Marianne Faithfull never ceased to be creatively alive.

“My Wandering Heart” with Anna Prokova presents a tribute to Marianne Faithfull, who will be with us forever—through the aesthetic impact of her music and her overall stance toward life.

Produced and presented by Anna Prokova
Sound Editing: Giorgos Kostopoulos