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Narratives: “My name is Whirlwind” – A story for children with ADHD _ Part IV (story finale) | 08 Mar. 2025
Narratives Maria Karagiannaki
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Narratives: “My name is Whirlwind” – A story for children with ADHD _ Part IV (story finale) | 08 Mar. 2025

The show  “Narratives – Stories and Tales for Young and Old” paid tribute on Saturday, March 8, 2025, to all those mothers raising children with special abilities, concluding the narration of the wonderful story of little Manos, a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

We dedicated the fourth and final part of the story to those mothers who undoubtedly face greater challenges than others—mothers raising children with ADHD. Because these mothers made the decision to keep going. Because they persevered even when they didn’t hear encouraging words from their doctors during pregnancy. Because every day, they confront judgmental glances and negative comments with courage, dignity, and resilience. Because they are strong—so strong that even they marvel at their own strength. Because, besides being mothers, they also become doctors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, and anything else their child needs. Because some days are much harder than others. Because they never give up. Because their patience is boundless. Because they know that their child needs them more than anything else in the world. Because they deserve nothing but our deepest respect—for when they look at their children, they don’t see a child with ADHD. They simply see a CHILD!

The book, published by Kedros, is written by author Maya Delivoria, with exceptional illustrations by Apostolos Ioannou. The story of little Manos is accompanied by an informative note on ADHD by psychotherapist and family therapist Era Moulaki.

Produced and presentated by Maria Karagiannaki Iona

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