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Poet of the Week: Giannis Papatheodorou | 14 Mar. 2025
Poet Of The Week
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Poet of the Week: Giannis Papatheodorou | 14 Mar. 2025

Each week is dedicated to a contemporary Greek poet, including poets from the Diaspora. The poets themselves curate the radio interpretations, and the poems are accompanied by musical pieces from beloved creators. Seven poems every week, one Greek poem each day, travels through the frequencies of Voice of Greece to the far corners of the world where Greek voices can be heard.

The week from March 10, 2025, to March 17, 2025, is dedicated to Giannis Papatheodorou.

Giannis Papatheodorou was born in Livadia, Boeotia. He is a philologist and a Doctor of the University of Athens and worked for many years in secondary education. His dissertation at the University of Athens was titled “Aesthetics in the Poetry of Constantine P. Cavafy.” He served as headmaster at the Marasli High School (26th General High School). After completing his tenure as headmaster, he resigned from secondary education. For many years, he has focused on poetry. In 2016, he published his first poetry collection titled Katapistevma, followed by Nyktanthi in 2017, Antiphonies, Contemporary Choral in 2018, and Analefta in 2019. He has been awarded the following honors:

  • 1st prize “Markos Avgeris” by the Society of Greek Literature.
  • Commendation from the “Philological Society Parnassos.”
  • 1st prize in poetry from the International Cultural Olympiad.
  • Award for the poetry collection Nyktanthi from the International Society of Greek Writers and Artists.
  • 1st Prize for the literary genre of Tragedy “Medea in Elysium” and medal from the International Society of Greek Writers and Artists.
  • Commendation from the Literary Competition “Nikos Kazantzakis.”
  • Distinction for his participation in poetry from the International Society of Greek Writers.
  • Honorary Diploma and Gold Medal of Alexander the Great, as a personality, for his contribution to the field from the International Cultural Society of Salamis (from the Café of Ideas), with the Gold Medal of Alexander the Great.
  • He was a member of the judging panel of the Society of Greek Writers for selecting new writers. He is a regular member of the “Philological Society Parnassos.” He is a member of the board of the Society of Greek Writers.

Music Curation: Maria Reboutsika
Sound Editing: Eleftheria Papoutsaki