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NEXT 08:00 - 08:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

Infinitely Curious

Katerina Batzaki

An immersive journey into uncharted worlds, curated and presented in English by journalist Katerina Batzaki, who enjoys piquing the listeners’ curiosity. The show explores areas of technology and human existence, in an attempt to shift our mindsets. A journey into the space odyssey of all those ‘little big things’ we sometimes tend to look but not see.

Infinitely Curious : The art of LARP (Live Action Role Playing) 04 Feb. 2024
What is that that makes our imagination go wild? Why are we so attracted to fairytales, superheroes and powers of the unknown? Why are we so drawn to characters derived from history with a fantasy twist? Live Action Role Players or LARP players are some of those people who love to escape reality...
Infinitely Curious : What is art (Part 2) – Interview with Dr Costas Prapoglou | 28 Feb. 2024
Is there an objective criteria to define what “great art” is?Essentially, art’s greatness is a personal and subjective judgment, varying from individual to individual. It appears that the value of art is often shaped by a few galleries and museums exhibiting a specific artist. So the decisions made ...
Infinitely Curious: What is Art? – An Interview with Giota Vorgia | 21 Jan. 2024
Art transcends and breaks down the boundaries of societies and history and answers this very big question: how do we define beauty in art?If you look at any dictionary or encyclopedia of the past two centuries and look for the definition “aesthetics,” you will find the classic definition that “aesthetics is th...
Infinitely Curious – Empathy in Animals | 14 Jan. 2024
On this episode of VoG's English-language show ''Infinitly Curious'', Katerina Batzaki explores whether and how much animals have empathy, can sense others’ emotions, and understand what they are feeling.Listen to Cats of Antiparos' founder Iliada Stavrinidi about how her cats c...
Infinitely Curious: The astrology of the mind | 07.01.2023
Ever wondered why so many people believe in horoscopes?Have you ever believed them yourself? Turns out, the better we understand our attraction to quack/illusion science, the more we like falling victim to a colorfully painted idea of ourselves and the future, submit to the power of fortune cookies...
Infinitely Curious: New Year’s resolution – Healthy body, healthy mind | 31 Dec. 2023
Studies showed that getting more exercise is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, especially after the food-fueled holidays. But there are more benefits to exercising than just losing weight. For example, exercise can be a crucial part of maintaining a healthy brain. In fact, in her year-end w...
Infinitely Curious : Less is more | 17.12.23
In a world of unbridled consumerism, many of us are drowning in stuff. Minimalism on the other hand is becoming a favorite among more and more people, a lifestyle that emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and the value of experiences over material possessions. In other words, ‘Less is more’ has...
Infinitely Curious: Athanasios Fokas | 10.12.2023
The famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that behavior and personality were derived from the constant and unique interaction of conflicting psychological forces that operate at three different levels of awareness: the preconscious, conscious, and unconscious minds. He believed that each...
Cybèle Castoriadis on ”Infinitely Curious” | 03.12.2023, 11:00
Συντονιστείτε αυτή την Κυριακή, 3 Δεκεμβρίου στις 11 π.μ. ώρα Ελλάδας, στη Φωνή της Ελλάδας και στην εκπομπή «Infinitely Curious». Ακούστε την εσωτερική έμπνευση, τη γέννηση της τραγουδοποιίας και της μουσικής, μέσα από τα μάτια της Κυβέλης Καστοριάδη. Μια φιλοσοφική κουβέντα για το αν η μουσική μπορε...