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Athens Polytechnic Uprising

“Journeys Basking in Greek Light” tribute to the 51st Anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising | 17 Nov. 2024
The show "Journeys Basking in Greek Light" on November 17 was dedicated to the 51st anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising. It featured audio recordings, poems by renowned poets (Ritsos, Vrettakos, Anagnostakis, Rotas, and others) about the uprising, and songs by Theodorakis, Xarhakos, Markopoulos,...
The Athens Polytechnic Uprising on Voice of Greece
With testimonies, memories, and stories from the Polytechnic Uprising, along with special commemorative broadcasts, Voice of Greece participates in celebrating the anniversary. On Friday, November 15, 2024, at 1:00 PM Greek time, Thomas Sideris, on the show "Unguarded Passage", explores the pivotal...
Unguarded Passage: The untold story of the radio stations of the protesting students | 15 Nov. 2024
Commemorating the anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising The radio series “Unguarded Passage” on Voice of Greece presents a radio documentary commemorating the anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising, shedding light on the untold story of the radio stations operated by ...