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NEXT 13:05 - 14:00
Unguarded Passage
Thomas Sideris


Musical Horizons with Maria Reboutsika | 17 June 2024
A musical journey through the alleyways of Greek music, hosted by Maria Reboutsika. Expect to hear beloved Greek melodies, from the early 20th century until this day.
Greek Traditional Music with Maria Koutsimpiri | 06 June 2024
A show featuring popular Greek folk songs and rare recordings from Greek and Greek-speaking traditions. Produced and presented by Maria Koutsimpiri.
Giorgos Kesses, captain of ‘Pytheas’, on “Saturday Shift” | 15 June 2024,
Gorgos Kesses tells us about the unique experience he had sailing alone with “Pytheas”, in order to accompany the French sailing ship “Belem” and the Olympic flame upon their entrance to Marseille, the old Greek colony and first French host city of the flame of the Paris Olympic Games.During the voy...
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 15 June 2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.
I Will Sing You Seven Songs with Gianna Triantafylli | 07 June 2024
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Musical Horizons with Maria Reboutsika | 14 June 2024
A musical journey through the alleyways of Greek music, hosted by Maria Reboutsika. Expect to hear beloved Greek melodies, from the early 20th century until this day.
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 14 June 2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.
Unguarded Passage: “The Pylos shipwreck, one year later” | 14 June 2024, 13:00
Έναν χρόνο μετά τον ναυάγιο της Πύλου, μία από τις χειρότερες προσφυγικές τραγωδίες στη Μεσόγειο, η “Αφύλαχτη Διάβαση” φιλοξενεί στον ραδιοθάλαμο της Φωνής της Ελλάδας τον Λευτέρη Παπαγιαννάκη, διευθυντή του Ελληνικού Συμβουλίου για τους Πρόσφυγες. Η κορύφωση των μεταναστευτικών ροών την προηγούμενη δεκαετία, οι ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές για τη μετανάστευση και την κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση, ειδικά μετά ... Read more
The ‘Greek’ Newcastle United and the coal mines of Anthoupoli: a historical tribute | 13 June 2024
Αφιέρωμα: Η Νιούκαστλ Περιστερίου… και τα λιγνιτωρυχεία της Ανθούπολης | 13.06.2024 1947… Γεννιέται μέσα στο κάρβουνο… η ελληνική Νιούκαστλ Γιουνάιτεντ, με έδρα το Περιστέρι!!! Μια συγκλονιστική ιστορία με πρωταγωνιστές τους λιγνιτωρύχους της Ανθούπολης. Μια ιστορική εξέγερση και νίκη του λαού απέναντι στην καταπίεση και την εκμετάλλευση. 1947… The Greek Newcastle United, based in Peristeri, is born in the coals!!! A shocking story with Anthoupoli’s wood miners as protagonists. A historic uprising and victory of the people against oppression and exploitation. Anthoupoli district, part of Peristeri suburb of Athens, after the Second World War brought an end to coal mining …
John Faraclas on “Fair Winds and Following Seas” | 13 June 2024
John Faraclas, shipping analyst, author and co-founder of the shipping platform shipping analyst, lecturer on shipping issues, spoke on the show "Fair Winds and Following Seas" During POSIDONIA 2024, he visited the booth of "Voice of Greece" and shared thoughts and concerns...
I Will Sing You Seven Songs with Gianna Triantafylli | 13 June 2024
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 13 June 2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.
I Will Sing You Seven Songs with Gianna Triantafylli | 12 June 2024
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Musical Horizons with Maria Reboutsika | 12 June 2024
A musical journey through the alleyways of Greek music, hosted by Maria Reboutsika. Expect to hear beloved Greek melodies, from the early 20th century until this day.
Let’s Change the Day with Giannis Psychogios | 12 June 2024
Past midnight marks the beginning of a new day. It is time to embark on a musical journey to the open seas, with our favorite tunes as a compass and some of the best new music as a beacon.
I Will Sing You Seven Songs with Gianna Triantafylli | 11 June 2024
Every day, a selected song from Greek discography travels the world and the seven seas, setting sail from the Voice of Greece with a clear destination: to reach Greeks all around the world.
Time in Greece Tuesday special | 11 June 2024
Every Tuesday, Nikolas Angelidis and Grigoris Nanis take you on a 'different' trip around the world with interesting news from the field of sports... and not only! Expect to hear... the unexpected!