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ON AIR 14:00 - 16:00
Folk Paths
Elena Falirea
NEXT 16:00 - 16:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

Δημήτρης Κουκλουμπέρης

Greece in the World with Giorgos Dionysopoulos | 05 Sept. 2024
Guests on the show for Thursday, September 5th: Dimitris Kouklouberis, journalist, political correspondent for "Efimerida ton Syntakton" (Newspaper of the Editors) Vasilis Kokkalis, MP of Larissa, SYRIZA Sakis Papanikolaou, retired air force lieutenant general, strategic analyst Georgia...
Take Your Time
The Easter Monday show is a two-part show, as in the first hour, His Eminence the Metropolitan of Nubia, Savvas, from Khartoum, and also the Honorary Consul of Greece in Sudan, Gerasimos Pagoulatos, go on the air, on the Voice of Greece. The former conveys the horrific experience of the Greek expatriates...