Nick Webb, who was adopted from the Patras Orphanage at the age of two and a half in 1956 by an American family in Anaheim, California, talked about his life story and the struggle he gives to find his biological family in Greece on the show "Our Global Voice" with Petros Diplas and Dimitris Kontogiannis...
On the last business day of 2023, Robyn Ioanna Zelewa Giannopoulou, who had been adopted in 1958 by an American couple from Texas, received the Greek passport after three years of efforts and talked about it on the show "Our Global Voice" with Petros Diplas and Dimitris Kontogiannis.
Robyn, born...
The show features prominent people of the Greek Diaspora, including scientists, politicians and entrepreneurs who share with us their meaningful experiences and their enhanced viewpoint.
Ο κ. Δέντσορας, ο οποίος βρίσκεται στον Καναδά απο το 2007, αναφέρθηκε επίσης στις ιδιαιτερότητες του Καναδά, όπως η συγκρ...