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”Our Town”: Philhellenism special – Part II (with guest author Jimmy Jamar) | 29.07.2023
Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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”Our Town”: Philhellenism special – Part II (with guest author Jimmy Jamar) | 29.07.2023

This episode of Our Town is dedicated to Phillelenes. Author Jimmy Jamar was with us in the studio of the Voice of Greece. Reference was made to some of the key international figures we call ‘Philellenes’ – an utterly Greek term, coming from the words “philos”, meaning friend, and Hellenism-. These eminent people loved our country and promoted our culture, either speaking of it or through their writings, and sometimes even gave their life supporting its high ideals. Some of the people we mentioned are: Hadrian, Marguerite Yourcenar, Lawrence Durrell, Edmund Keeley, Leonard Cohen, and more. A special reference was made to Jacqueline de Romilly and Jacques Lacarrière. These personalities cover a large part of history and our conversation was based on two main areas: a) What exactly was it that caused their connection to Greece and b) What makes them worthy to be called Philellenes? A very special episode, serving as a little due to be paid to those who saw Greece as an everlasting beacon of democracy, freedom, culture and humanitarianism.Curated and presented by Themis Rodamitis