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ON AIR 14:00 - 16:00
Folk Paths
Elena Falirea
NEXT 16:00 - 16:05
I Will Sing You Seven Songs
Gianna Triantafylli

Euripidis Garantoudis is VoG’s Poet of the Week | 29.01- 04.02. 2024

Euripides Garantoudis (Kavala, 1964) is currently a Professor of modern Greek literaturein the Department of Philology of the University of Athens and he has been working as amember of the Greek Open University for the last 11 years. He worked for three years(November 1986 – October 1989) as a lecturer at the ‘Istituto di Studi Bizantini e Neogreci’ of the University of Padua teaching greek language and literature. He haswritten or edited 24 books in his field, and has published over 250 papers in journals andcollective volumes. He has participated in 51 local and international conferences and in12 research projects in Greece as a scientific officer or researcher. He has been elected atthe place of the special secretary of the Greek Comparative Literature Association for the past 9 years. He translated in greek the ‘Ed è subito sera’ by Salvatore Quasimodo andselected poems by Cesare Pavese.