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Our Town Themis Rodamitis
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Orestis Koletsos on “Our Town” | 20 Apr. 2024

On Saturday, April 20th, 12:00-13:00 Athens time, the show “Our Town” hosts Orestis Koletsos.

The composer and bouzouki soloist talks about his experiences for many years in California and about the Greek Diaspora there, his collaborations with American universities, and the festivals of the big cities where he participates.

The guest refers to his songs and the people who inspired him and made him love folk music – Vamvakaris, Mitsakis, and Tsitsanis.

Orestis Koletsos is also discussed on the show by singer Fotini Velesiotou and lyricist Kostas Fasoulas.

Orestis Koletsos plays live in the studio his favorite music and songs and talks about his active activity in the important publishing house “Pendulum”. He makes special reference to his future concerts in American universities.

The show ”Our Town” with Themis Rodamitis attempts to establish a distinct ‘radio society’. A town within a town, occupied by intriguing personalities, cultural spaces and organizations, musicians, and theatrical groups who altogether build new social trails through culture, art, music, and poetry. It might initially sound utopic, but at the end of the day, the show simply aims to slightly enrich our lives and our everyday routine by keeping us good company. Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays on Voice of Greece.