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Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
0:00 LIVE

Take Your Time with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 20 May 2024

In the first broadcast of the week, on Monday, May 20, 2024, we dealt with the current affairs and were informed by the ERT reporter, Agis Menoutis, about the crash of the helicopter carrying the President and the Foreign Minister of Iran, which cost both their lives, and the potential ramifications of the accident.
Next, we opened a line to Samothraki and chatted with soprano Vassia Zacharopoulou, who is on the island on tour with Nikos Kypourgos’ opera, “Silence, the King is Listening” presented to children.

In the second half hour, after the newspaper headlines, we spoke with the MEP candidate with PASOK-KINAL, Kostas Chrysogonos, Professor of Constitutional Law at AUTH, about the stakes of the European elections, PASOK’s expectations and the possibility or not of a dialogue for cooperation of the left and progressive forces, then.