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“Take Your Time” with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 07 Feb. 2025
Take Your Time Prokopis Angelopoulos
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“Take Your Time” with Prokopis Agelopoulos | 07 Feb. 2025

In the Friday show, February 7, 2025, we began by communicating with Evi Nomikou, a Professor of Geology at the University of Athens (EKPA), known for her study of volcanoes in Santorini. We discussed the latest developments and scientific data regarding the ongoing seismic activity in the region.

After covering the headlines of the newspapers, we welcomed to the studio Penelope Michalakopoulou, a Professor of Linguistics and poet, in light of the upcoming World Greek Language Day, which is celebrated on Sunday, February 9. We talked about her experience teaching Greek to second- and third-generation Greek diaspora children, the use of Greek among Greek youth today, and the impact of technology and changes in habits that distance children and adults from reading books and lead them to the ease of reading short texts on the Internet.

In the second hour, our guests in the studio were Depy Plousiou, a psychologist specializing in complex trauma, and Giannis Koutelekos, an Associate Professor of Nursing at the University of Western Attica. We discussed how a traumatic event can define our existence and cause overwhelming fear and helplessness, and how we can address it to heal the trauma. We also talked about the Syros Healing Waves Festival, the leading mental health festival that will take place on Syros Island from October 2 to 5, 2025, aiming to establish the island as a global center for therapeutic innovation.

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