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Haris Papoulias on the Exhibition “Dimitris Pikionis, An Aesthetic Topography” in Madrid | 13 Feb. 2025
Imprint Fuli Zavitsanou
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Haris Papoulias on the Exhibition “Dimitris Pikionis, An Aesthetic Topography” in Madrid | 13 Feb. 2025

On Thursday, February 13, 2025, the radio program “Imprint”, hosted by Fouli Zavitsanou, featured an interview with Haris Papoulias, Professor of Aesthetic Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid and scientific advisor for the exhibition “Dimitris Pikionis, An Aesthetic Topography.”

The exhibition is a significant tribute that introduces the great Greek architect and intellectual to the Spanish-speaking audience, reinterpreting his personality and work.

Haris Papoulias discussed the exhibition and shared insights into why it is valuable today to study and promote the thought and creation of Dimitris Pikionis.

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