The actor and musician, in an in-depth conversation with Themis Rodamitis, reflects on the most significant performances of his career, the directors who influenced him as mentors (V. Papavasileiou, G. Vogiatzis), and the theater—”the space where,” as he says, “poetry comes back to life.”
He speaks movingly about his mother, Aristouli Ellinoudi, who guided him into the world of literature, mainly through her vast library. He shares thoughts on friendship, companionship, the richness of the Greek language, listening, the flow of time, the value of failure as a restart, the presence of death within life, and the phrase by Bernhard, “may we be defeated by something great.”
The discussion also touches on the play “The Force of Habit” by Thomas Bernhard, staged at Roes Theater, in which he performed alongside distinguished collaborators, including the group “ki omOs kineitai.”
Other themes include the concepts of polis (city), politis (citizen), and politismos (civilization), as well as the significance of the circus within the performance, its traveling performers, and the music that inspires him—some of which he plays live with his friends. Related songs will also be featured in the show.