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1923-2023: 100 Years since the Treaty of Lausanne (part II) | Saturday 19.09.2023, 13.00

On Saturday, September 16, 2023, at 13:00 Greek Time, the show “Narratives” presents an interview with Antonis Klapsis, PhD in Diplomatic History from Panteion University and the University of Peloponnese, on the subject of the “Settlement of the Treaty of Lausanne“.

How did the refugees perceive the Convention on the Exchange of Populations? How did the Pact of 1930 regulate the status of the Muslims of Western Thrace and the Greek Orthodox population of Constantinople? What did the Treaty’s actually stipulate regarding the assets of the Exchangeables and what was the essential process of their assessment? On what axes was the country’s foreign policy based after the Treaty? The signing of the Treaty, according to the professor, is the reverse realization of the Great Idea.

Next up on the broadcasting program, listen to an article by Panteio University’s Internationalist, Christina Flaskou, presented on the subject of the Treaty of Lausanne and its brutal violation by Turkey. Ms. Flaskou also analyzes the key matters related to the Greek-Turkish issues, as well as the articles on violations of the Treaty by Turkey, through the Turkish foreign policy over the years.

Curated and presented by Maria Karagiannaki