Eva Simatou on ”Our Town” | 26 Feb. 2024, 19.00

The guest actress talks in the studio about the play she is currently playing, Shakespeare’s King Lear at Kefallinias Street Theater, but also about her participation in the TV “Pantheoi” and “Wild Bees”. The show refers to her most important work, her collaborations with important directors and actors, her preferences in terms of repertoire.

She talks about the experience of the Karolos Koun School from which she graduated with honors, about her studies in London at City University in sociology and about the relationship between sociology and theater. She also refers to the value of fiction on television, her love for cinema and music but also to the joy and happiness of her family life with the writer Alexis Stamatis and young Hermes.

The actress refers to her favorite places in the city, her favorite center, the walks she likes to take, especially on Skoufa Street.